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Tuesday, May 31, 2005

MLM Leadership Network Marketing Training -How to Develop a Network of Endless Leads

MLM Network Marketing Training-How to Cultivate A Network of Endless Referrals
Bob Burg

Develop profitable, win/win relationships

No question about it; you provide one of the most valuable services imaginable. However, without an ongoing and ever-increasing number of new, quality prospects, you'll eventually run out of people with whom to share the benefits of your Network Marketing compnay.. You might even end up asking yourself that most dreaded of questions in the world of sales, which is, "Who do I talk to next, now that my original list of names has run out?" That thought can be downright discouraging, can't it? Then again, it need not happen.

Develop profitable, win/win relationships with practically every new person you meet - whether one on one or in a social setting.

How? Ask questions. Specifically, "feel-good" questions. These are questions designed to put your conversation partner at ease, and begin the rapport-building process.

These are not intrusive, invasive, or in anyway resembling those of the stereotypical salesperson. Feel-good MLM questions are simply questions that make your new prospect/potential referral-source feel good; about themselves, about the conversation, and about you. Vital, because "all things being equal, people will do business with, and refer business to, those people they know, like and trust." Asking feel-good questions is the first step to accomplishing that goal.

So what are some of these "Feel-good" type questions?

"How did you get started in the 'widget' business?" I call this the "Movie-of-the-Week" question because most people love the opportunity to "tell their story" to someone. This, in a world where most people don't care enough to want to know their story.

"What do you enjoy most about what you do?" Again, you are giving them something very positive to associate with you and your conversation. You are making them feel special, important.

You've begun to establish a nice rapport with your new prospect. You are focusing on him or her, as opposed to you and your awesome product, as most salespeople do. He or she is starting to feel good about you and has enjoyed answering your first two "Feel-good" questions. Now it's time for the "One key question," and here it is:

"Pat, how can I know if someone I speaking with would be a good prospect for you?"
Here, you've continued to establish yourself as being different from all others they meet who are in business, who only seem to want to know, "How can you help me." Also, since you are asking for help in identifying their prospects, she will gladly supply you with an answer. And the fact is, nothing builds trust and credibility with an MLM prospect than actually referring business to them whenever possible.

Your conversation has ended and you never even mentioned your products or services. Good, since your relationship with this new prospect may not be far enough along for him or her to be receptive to this. (At other times it's very advisable to bring up.) That's fine. Hopefully, you've gotten your prospect's business card. Now you are in the position to follow up correctly and systematically in order to nurture this new relationship.

Whenever meeting new people, the above questions will help you to very quickly build your prospect list with high-quality people. And, in a manner that is fun and without stress. You'll never again feel the "discomfort" in the pit of your stomach, knowing that you have to nervously and clumsily approach someone you don't want to approach, and whom you can just sense, does not want to be approached.

Know this: the typical person knows about 250 people. Thus, every time you meet one new person, and develop a relationship based on the fact that he or she now feels as though they "know you, like you and trust you" you've actually just increased your personal prospect list a potential 250 people, every single time. Do this often enough and before long, you'll cultivate a network of endless referrals.

Bob Burg


Presented by PassionFire Intl


doug Firebaugh
PassionFire Intl
MLM Leadership
© 2005 PFI / all rights reserved
(c) 2005/all rights reserved

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MLM leadership Training Blog

"The Power that lies within YOU is greater than the Power that contorls YOU."
Doug Firebaugh

Everyone in MLM has a certain Power that lies within them.

Most people though operate their life withn the Power that CONTROLS Them:

Other People.

Other People's Thinking.

Someone Else's Experience.

Someone Else's Beliefs.

The "Crowd's" Opinion.

Wanting to Be A Part of the Crowd.

Plus ALL of the people that have influenced our lvies...and that is ususally the Power that Contorls us in network marketing.

RELEASE the Power that is deep inside of YOU to creat the Life you truly want, and start letting that Power control yourt future, vs. someone who is going NOWHERE.

YOU stands for "Yes OnFIRE (and) Undeniable"

Start living a YES life, and a YES future, and forget the NO crowd...

They are getting what they are expecting...not much in life.

But Unleash the REAL YOU in your life, and you will always have the treasury of Success overflowing in your business and life.

Ignite your life to YES! And watch your business become a BLAZING INFERNO of Success!

PassionFire Intl
MLM Leadership
(c) 2005/all rights reserved

Subscribe to the MLM Network Marketing Training Letter- PF HEAT

Monday, May 30, 2005

MLM Leadership Network Marketing Training -5 Ways to Open a Conversation with People

MLM Network Marketing Training Success Secrets: The 5 Ways to Open a Conversation with People...
By Doug Firebaugh/copyright 2004

Opening up conversation with people is for many an uncomfortable task. IT shouldn't be. Conversation is the secret to this MLM business, and there are 5 very easy ways to open up a conversation with someone that you would like to meet.


But I must warn you!

DON'T come across like you are "up to something". People will read right through that. Keep your focus on serving the masses with Network Marketing , and helping people solve life problems with your home business and products, and simply wanting to meet a friend you have not met yet.

These ideas are very basic, but few do them when they are out and about.

Here are 5 ways:

1) Compliment them on something they are wearing or carrying.

People like to be noticed. Simple and plain. They like to be noticed for what they are "displaying" about themselves. What they are wearing or carrying is telling you a little bit about who they are...

I always start a compliment with a question:
"Would it be ok if I paid you a compliment about something I have noticed about you?"
Or if it's a guy...."You know, I don't give out a lot of compliments, but I like that suit you have on. Very professional. Good cut.". This will set up anticipation, and not come across like you are phony, ar insincere which many folks do...they have the wrong intentions when they compliment someone. Plus people will feel good that you noticed!

2) Ask for directions.

I use to do this all the time when in a mall in a town I was new to. I would ask if they knew were a particular store was, or a place to eat. Then I would say I am from out of town, or new to this neighborhood, and asked if they lived around here.
Then I would ask them if they had a family,hobby...etc. Then I would say...."Maybe you can help me...you may know who I am looking for..."

The POWER Home Business Question.

3) Ask what they do for a living.

One of the most powerful things you can do when Networking, is ask a person "What do you do?" Then ask another question about what they just said.
Then ask another question about what they just said.....and you will start finding out about them and who them might know to help you.

"Gotta card?" is a great way to extend this conversation into a later time.

4) Carry a book on Success or Leadership and casually ask people if they have read it.

Then ask them if they like to read and if they read Success and Leadership books. If they do, discuss the last one they read, and one they would recommend.
Get them talking about Success and ask them if they are a Student of Success. You will be surprised at the people you meet that are! And looking for a new future!

5) Ask for their name after giving yours.

This one is so simple, but few do it. "Hi, my name is Doug. How are you? I apologize for asking this, what is your name? I have never had the pleasure of meeting you." This is such a simple way to meet people. You even apologize for bothering them for their name, which is a soft way of asking for it, and you almost always get it this way!
Open up as many conversations as you can, and your business will skyrocket!

The MLM Standard.

Oh...here is one final opener:

Look in their eyes.
Nod your head.
Stick your hand out to shake theirs.
And say..."I am sorry,but I don't know who you are. My name is Mary, I am with ABC Company. May I have your name ?"
Open your eyes wide.. And SMILE!

doug Firebaugh
PassionFire Intl
© 2005 PFI / all rights reserved
PassionFire Intl
MLM Leadership

Subscribe to the MLM Network Marketing Training Letter- PF HEAT

Saturday, May 28, 2005

MLM Leadership Network Marketing Training- The Ten Commandments of MLM Leadership

The 10 Commandments for MLM Leadership
By Doug Firebaugh

Simply, there is nothing more powerful in this Industry than a True decision to Lead. It seems when that happens; you literally become magnetized to Success.
How can you tell a True Decision? It is a Decision from the heart, not just the mind. You simply cannot imagine traveling down any other Path, because of the Success Power in Decision.
Right in the middle of the word Decision is the word "Is". If you are looking for the Secret of Success to this business, there it "Is'

Your Vision needs to be more than just on course or on track. It needs to be ONFIRE! It needs to be Crystal Clear, Powerful, and Hot! As my friend John Milton Fogg says, " A leader when they meet people, should either Ignite them, or Melt them."
It needs to be a consuming Vision OnFire that people are compelled to enroll in and buy into, whether it is wealth, helping people, or changing the world.
The real Power in your Vision , the real "Heat" is in the Fire in your Heart…where the Vision is birthed and ignited, and ignites others hearts with Hope, Possibilities, and Change.

You must as a Leader have a plan, a step by step trail, and direct your people down the MLM Power Path. You must guide them along the way to solve challenges, and navigate them through storms that do happen in this business and life.
With your support, coaching, caring, instructing, and believing. Remember, the North Star of your organization and compass for your people is your Leadership. Navigation requires knowing where you are, but also where you are headed, and how you are going to get there.
The Last syllable in Navigate is Gate. You must provide the Gate to Success for others …It is up to them to open it and walk through.

There is nothing more powerful and compelling than a Leader who cares more about their distributor's paycheck, than their own. People are magnetized to it.
And the influence that creates through the ethics that are needed to do it, is enormous. But as a leader, you must always display ethics and integrity to maintain respect with your people.
And sincere caring Leaders know, people don 't follow what you say, or what you do, as much as who you are.

You must create an environment that your distributors can grow and thrive in. An environment of hope and possibilities, and that the hope will be crystallized into Success. You must also create an environment of expectancy.
Leaders know that people usually rise to the level of their expectations. Believe and expect big things from your people. As oxygen is to a population, your belief is to your organization.
Let your distributors "breathe the air of Success", in MLM, which gives life to every distributor, and creates an Incredibly Empowering environment.

Leaders have an incredible chance to empower people, and change their life through this business. And the greatest way to empower is to believe in them. The 4 most powerful words in network marketing are "I believe in You!"
And through the Power of Encouragement, like "You can do it!" and the proper knowledge of how to do it, you will become their biggest supporter, and cheerleader. Believe and encourage your people...through Heart Power and the Fire of Belief.

Leaders are a lighthouse in a sea of adversity and frustration in network marketing. And your distributors must always be looking forward.
Being out in front also means doing what your teaching them and setting the example. You must understand, your distributors quietly watch you, and observe.
You will never know it, but they are watching to see if you practice what you are preaching. If you are not, they will quietly duplicate what you are doing. Show them the way, and lead them through what we a PassionFire call "The New Distributor Fog"…the fog of doubt, frustration, and discouragement. You do that by leading them through the fog with your light of Leadership.

Leaders know: You make the Big Money from the back of the room. Do you understand that? Too many distributors get leadership and what we call "celebrityitis" mixed up. A lot of distributors become a celebrity when they get successful, and to the detriment of their group.
Leaders who build permanent downlines put the recognition spotlight on their people then stand behind it, and stay there. Yes, Leaders do need to be visible to inspire, but the Power lies in recognizing and celebrating every little attempt or success to encourage and build the distributor's confidence in this business.
People will do more for recognition than money. That's MLM Leadership 101.

We at PassionFire believe in the L.I.A.C.P. Principle.
Leadership Is A Construction Project.
First, you must build you, and construct the skills; attitudes, habits, and thinking you need to succeed in this business. Then you must construct your people, through all we have been talking about in this article. And then you construct your business.
Most distributors constrict their business with a very limiting self-focus, and looking out for #1 attitude. The average distributor has a selfish focus. Leaders have a selfless focus.
And that brings us to what we call "The Leadership Paradox". You must construct your business by building you first, downline second, and business third, but all at the same time.
If you understand what I just said, you are on your way to building a retirement vehicle.

What is the Secret to building A Million-Dollar Distributorship?
You build Million Dollar Relationships.
Remember that it is easier to walk away from a business than a friend. Get to know your folks, especially your Leaders as people, not just a paycheck. Get to know their dreams, what is important to them, and especially what they value. Spend personal time with your leaders, and develop that bond. Visit their house, their workplace, "Their world", and make it a part of yours.
And always, always, always put their interests ahead of yours. That will create amazing loyalty, which will create amazing motivation, which will create amazing paychecks.
Get on a ship and sail on the sea of relating, and when people discover you are truly interested in them; that is when your paycheck becomes truly interesting.

These are the "Ten Commandments of Network Marketing Leadership 2005."
I encourage you in this new Millennium to start engaging your business through the eyes of a Leader, not just a distributor. The impact on your business will be enormous.
And once you discover how the journey of leadership will transform you in all aspects of your life, the year 2000 will be for you without limits, barriers, or failure, and you will be on a one-way track to all the success you ever dreamed of.
And that is what Network Marketing is supposed to be about…Unbridled, and unstoppable Success.

And the Secret?

PassionFire Intl
MLM Leadership
(c) 2005/all rights reserved

Thursday, May 26, 2005

MLM Leadership Training for Network Marketing- MLM Leadership

MLM Leadership Training

First of all, let’s take a look at your effort to maintain a good communication with your downlines. How often did you contact them? How well did you know them personally? Did you ever ask them about their dreams? Did you share with them?

If your answer is no, no, no and no, then you’re in a big trouble. Even if you have a yes, yes, yes and no for the answer, still you won’t stay long in the business for sure!

Communications between upline and downlines plays an important role in Network Marketing. Contact them at least once a week just to say hello and ask them how they are doing. Offer your help to them. Tell them motivational stories. They will love your kind attention.

Tell your downlines what you are up to so they know your plans and strategies. Share your ideas with them and don’t be afraid to share your secret strategies also. This way they will be able to duplicate those strategies and learn a lot from you.

Secondly, do call some trainings for your downlines on a regular basis. Make sure they understand what to do and how to do it correctly. This is crucial if you still want to keep them in your Network Marketing organization.
Finally, could you recall how exactly did you approach them?

Did you tell them that they could earn big money without doing anything? No wonder they do nothing but just sit around and wait to see the check coming…
Did you tell them that they would succeed without spending a dime? That explains why they don’t advertise professionally…
Did you also tell them that they would get rich quickly through your Network Marketing program? That’s why they are not persistent enough to hang around…

OK, now what if you did the right thing - you’ve built good communications with your downlines, you’ve made training calls regularly for them and you did approach them with no hypes nor gimmicks from the beginning– but they still quit?

Then they are just not who you are looking for to build your Network Marketing business with. You don’t need them. Believe me.

Farid Aziz is a full-time Internet Marketer and author of this article.

Presented by PassionFire Intl.

PassionFire Intl
MLM Leadership
(c) 2005/all rights reserved

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Wednesday, May 25, 2005

MLM Leadership Training for Network Marketing- Essence of MLM Leadership

The Essence of MLM Leadership
By Rod Cook, B.sc, M.A., M.B.A.

(Hey guys- Hot article from my buddy Rod)

A few weeks ago, one of my clients was discussing a challenge he was having retaining distributors below his first level or two. I happened to mention that to Greg Arnold that afternoon and asked him his opinion. Greg very quickly said that my client should practice over-lapping leadership. I knew right away what he was talking about. I could have helped that client in a powerful way with that principle alone. I also advised him with a few other tips, but that’s another article. What prompted me to write this article was something else Greg said. He said that building a large organization and keeping it in tact was “more about leadership than money.”
As we talked I asked him to break that down so anyone could understand and practice his brand of leadership. He sent me his “Nine Rules of Leadership and Working with Downline Leaders” I am now going to share Greg’s rules with you:

“Greg’s Rule #1: All leaders are primadonna pains in the rear, ALL OF THEM! Their drive to accomplish the impossible makes them achieve greatness.....and be annoying. You just gotta love it.”
What Greg is saying here is that leaders are a rare breed. They are very intense and highly focused. In their drive to get to the top and stay there, they tend to be as demanding on others as they are on themselves. I’ve worked with many leaders since the late 60s, when I joined my first MLM. Every one of them gave me moments of grief. You should be so fortunate as to have a half dozen of these on your distributor team. Which brings us to;

“Greg’s Rule #2: Leaders write your paycheck, the better you communicate with them and the more you make them feel special, the bigger they write it.”
Greg once sponsored 183 distributors over a six-month period. As it always is, one out of a hundred people in your organization are going to be leaders. Of Greg’s 183 sponsorships, two were leaders. An organization of 11,000 distributors sprang up through those two leaders. Had Greg not kept in close communication with them, his chances of enjoying that kind of success would have been very slim.

“Greg’s Rule #3: Communicate with all your leaders, no matter how deep they fall in your organization, whether you get paid on them or not. Practice and teach over lapping leadership.”
Don’t leave the task of growing a superstar to inexperienced people. Large organizations don’t just happen. Like roses you have to cultivate them. By keeping in close contact with all the leaders on your team, you build long-term relationships and loyalty. Leaders always want to work with other leaders, they want to win and they don’t like being ignored by their upline. Where the leaders go, so goes the rest of your organization. Turn your downline leaders into your partners in success and it will pay huge dividends for you. The second you spot a worker on your downline report, call him or her and get to know them. Make them a part of your inner-circle.

“Greg’s Rule #4: No matter how good you treat your leaders, they will still take you for granted. Learn to let everything roll off your back like water off a duck. Take nothing personally.”
Leaders do not and will not remember what you do for them, on a daily basis, beyond 24 hours. It will always be “what have you done for me lately?” Get used to it. Your rewards come on your paycheck and from the praise you get from your upline leaders. Never expect your downline leaders to run around chanting your name. They have an empire to build. As Greg says, don’t take it personal.

“Greg’s Rule #5: Everything bad that happens is your fault, everything good that happens is your leaders fault. Be sure you never let an opportunity go by to publicly praise your leaders.”
On the other hand, you must go around chanting your downline leader’s names. Do it every chance you get. You’ll just have to settle for being proud to be a part of it. Never pat yourself on the back. Pride yourself in appreciating the efforts of those that look to you for leadership. You will have the best team in the league as long as you believe that and enthusiastically share those beliefs with your team.

“Greg’s Rule #6: Never, never, never argue with your leaders, the day you do this is the day you have lost them forever. Apologize early and go on, remember Rule 5.”
You never can win an argument with someone in your downline. You might get the best of them during your petty verbal jousting match, but you will have just sent your team member in search of a new upline. Is it worth it? You’re the leader, suck it up and find a way to get past whatever stumbling blocks that get in your way. Learn to admit when you’re wrong. If your indiscretion was offensive in anyway, apologize! People, who are always right, usually are right by themselves.

“Greg’s Rule #7: Everyone has bad days when they hurt inside. Champions perform even when they are hurting inside. Leaders often have to learn to be champions, always be understanding and sympathetic.”
This rule is about you first. Don’t let life get you down. When you’ve had a hard day at work, don’t crash out on the couch and watch TV. (see my article, The MLM Ring). I’ll give you five minutes of rest and maybe dinner. But then, you have to pull a Clark Kent and get into your Superman outfit and go out and build your MLM business. Everyone has his or her moments of doubt and frustration. It’s how you deal with these moments that separate you from mere mortals. As Greg said, your downline leaders will take their example from you. Teach them, by example, to be champions.

“Greg’s Rule #8: Always listen , always tell the truth, always explain the problem and always offer a choice of solutions and let them choose.”
You don’t have to always be the bearer of good news and you don’t always have to say yes to every request made to you. You do have to be a consistent example of leadership though. You may not be able to offer a solution for everyone’s problems. The best you might be able to do is offer a little understanding. You’re human, and it’s ok, just be honest about it.

“Greg’s Rule#9: Always lead the way, blaze new trails and operate outside your comfort zone, all greatness is achieved outside your comfort zone. Develop a strong desire to prepare to win. Victory doesn’t go to the best talent, it goes to the best prepared. Always prepare to win and work harder than the other guy.”
Well said. People say work smarter, not harder. I guarantee, the big bux go to those who work hard, smart and lead the way.

Presented by PassionFire Intl

PassionFire Intl
MLM Leadership

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Tuesday, May 24, 2005

MLM Leadership Training is a MUST!

Welcome to the MLM Leadership Training Blog! Leadership Training at it's best in Network marketing! We will be posting trainings dialy here, and please check back with us!