< MLM Leadership Network Marketing Training Blog from Doug Firebaugh > >

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

MLM Leadership - MLM Leadership in the FAST Lane

MLM Network Marketing Training -The Secrets of Working Network Marketing FAST!
Doug Firebaugh

I had an upline once tell me, who by the way, has done 6 BILLION in this industry, that you need to work your business fast, not slow, and rapidly, not timidly. And if you did this one thing, your Network Marketing business would become easier. It would start to build some momentum, and build some real Power within it.

I listened to him, and went to work speeding up my efforts and focus, and increase the speed of everything I did. I did not become a maniac, but did put more activitiy in an hour than I used to. I wanted to build a better and bigger business. And besides, I had not done 6 Billion in volume, and he had!

You know, he was SO right! My business started increasing and building quicker, and it actually became easier to work like he said it would.

If you work this MLM business fast, and put the pedal to the metal, it becomes easier and more rewarding. For whatever reason, the results you get also improve a lot.


I have found there are Three Major Reasons for Working Network Marketing Fast:

1) The right people have a tendency to show up if you work this business fast and the wrong people have a tendency to show up if you work this business slow.

That is so true.

Because when you work this MLM business fast, you exude a certain energy that attracts the right people, and also they can see that you are someone that really wants to get things done.

People have a tendency to be attracted to higher energy people, and when you display that energy, it does act like a magnet and draw people towards you at a quicker pace, and in everything you do.

2) You have a tendency to be more focused, more determined, and more serious.

People who are determined, focused, and serious, do not play with this business. They are like a heat seeking missile -- dead on to the target and won't be denied. Working MLM slow has little appeal to them.

Focus is a key element for Success in a home business, and when you become more focused, it has a tendency to build your determination, and seriousness of your efforts. It will require focus for you to put more activity in an hour, as well as determination to keep you focused.

3) Your thinking and mindset changes.

When you kick it into overdrive, and do more activity in a day than most do in a week, you will find your whole perspective on this business changes.

And you will realize what it really takes to succeed massively in MLM, and life itself.

Will it be FAST MLM or Slow for you?

Will it be Fast Network Marketing or Slow for you?

Are you now working FAST or slow?

The word FAST in MLM stands for:

"Fuel Accelerating Success Track"

Truly, working this business fast is a Success Fuel for your life!

The word Slow stands for:

"Stagnation (and) Losing Over-power Winning"...

It seems that Stagnation and Losing many times become too strong of a resisting force to Win at MLM, when you work slow.

Yes, you can succeed at network marketing working it slow, but most of the millionaires I have met(including my former upline's success and mine) in the industry have worked it in overdrive, to fight and overcome stagnation and losing in the long run.

What is your choice???

May I suggest you work MLM FAST -- and get on the fast lane of Success in Network Marketing!

PassionFire Intl
MLM Leadership
(c) 2005/ all rights reserved

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Thursday, June 23, 2005

MLM Leadership Network Marketing- MLM Leads- The Top 5 Leads

MLM Leads- The 5 Traits of a Good MLM Lead.
Doug Firebaugh

There are certain traits that you look for in a good MLM lead. After working a TON of leads, and blessed to having built an organization worldwide, I have found that all good MLM Lead have 5 traits in common, with no exception. These traits you look for, and if you find that a lead has at least 3 of them you have a great possibility for your business. And MLM Leads can also end up being one of the best revenue sources for you, but first, find these traits. If you do, you will strike GOLD. These traits are common sense in many respects, but many times are rare to find.

1) A GREAT Personality.

One of the KEY traits that we have found is an infectious personality. A personality that truly shines and glows. You can feel their warmth over the telephone, and sincerity. They have the type of personality that you simply want to be around, and talk to.

You know the type. For whatever reason, you ENJOY the conversation with them, and they are always positive, and optimistic. They have a tendency to make you glad that you talked to them, and you are drawn towards them

This type of MLM Lead can be a gold mine, as they usually hang out with people of the same personality, and same outlook on life. They rarely are down, and when you call them they always seem glad you called.

2) High Energy.

Another KEY traits to look for is High Energy. But let me be clear: High Energy is NOT hype. There are many folks out there that you will call that will try to HYPE you into believing you have found the GOLD MINE you have been looking for, and will tell you all about how great they are.

High Energy people don’t really talk that much about themselves, but what they are doing. They focus on the engagement of actions and results, and you can FEEL their energy radiate form the phone and any communication they do. They can GET THINGS DONE, and refuse to quit during adversity. Plus, they have a great approach to Success in Life and Network Marketing- they have a philosophy of WHAT ARE WE WAITING ON????

3) Great People Skills.

This trait is HUGE. They MUST feel comfortable with people. Especially people they do not know. In MLM, you will communicate and work with a lot of folks that you do not know. And if you find that your MLM Lead has great people skills, you will have found a great potential for Success in network marketing.

People skills include friendliness, good listener, sincere, great communicator, and loves people. If a person truly loves people, they will go a LONG WAY to being a Success as an MLM lead.

4) A Good Listener.

An MLM Lead that is a good listener will end up being a better recruiter than most. Recruiting is all about listening to the prospect.. If you fins that the MLM Lead asks questions, and then LISTENS and them asks more questions,. You have found a good possibility for a recruit. Listening is the MASTER skill in Communication in Network Marketing, and Recruiting. A good listener is hard to find, but they are out there.

Does the MLM Lead talk more than they listen? Do they try and dominate the conversation? Do they try and impress you? If this is the case, they probably do not have a great listening pattern established. But if they do listen to you, ask questions, and then ask more questions that make sense to ask, then you have found a potential gold mine for recruiting and building an organization.

5) Available when they said they would be.

This is a HUGE trait that many MLM leads do not have. If a prospect says to call them back in 2 days, and you do, and they continue the conversation as before, you have a good one. Many MLM leads will not available at the time you call, because they had no intention to begin with of doing your business. A person of their word, who shows up for a return call like they said they would, is a person of integrity.

Many people will attempt to play hide and seek as an MLM lead, and that is just part of the business. If they do not show up like they said they would, that is an issue that you may want to consider in the future, as all Future Great Leaders keep their word.

And here is a BONUS Trait- DISSATISFIED. A Great MLM lead MUST be dissatisfied with their income, life, future, or something. You are to help them change what they are not happy with in their life, with your products and company. If they are Dissatisfied, then that means they are probably LOOKING for something better. Help them find it.

These are the 5 Traits you should look for in a great lead. Yes, there are other traits that you will MLM leads, but these are the ones that we found to be worth GOLD in this business of working MLM Leads.

PassionFire Intl
MLM Leadership
(c) 2005

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Wednesday, June 22, 2005

MLM Leadership- The Power of PersonaLeadership

MLM Network Marketing Training -The PersonaLeadership Secret
Doug Firebaugh

The MLM Leadership Secret.

Let me ask you a question...

What do you do to get yourself going in the morning for your MLM and Network Marketing business??

Coffee? excercise? Shower? Doesn't really matter...

Odds are you have been doing it for years, and have gotten quite good at it.

You have been displaying MLM PersonaLeadership(sm)in your life,and it has proven to get you to where you need to go every morning. Do you realize that it can also get you to where you want to go in this business as well?

Thee 3 Types of Leadership in MLM.

1) Personal

2) Formal (group)

3) MLM Mentoring

MLM PersonaLeadership is the KEY to your success in Network marketing, as it builds your other Leadership skills as you go.


If you cannot Lead you, you cannot lead others.

There 3 things that you must develop in your MLM PersonaLeadership quest.

1) The Disclipline to start

2) The Conviction to continue

3) The Resolve to Complete.

Most rarely get past numbers 1 and 2.

MLM PersonaLeadership requires you to START everyday the process of this business...and you MUST know THE MAGNET that pulls you and propels you past the starting line.


What you want MLM to bring into your life...your Why.

MLM PersonaLeadership requires you to Continue through adversity and hardships.

This is where most PersonaLeadership jumps ship.

Never to return.

And PersonaLeadership requires you to Complete what you started.

The Will to Win....The Passion to Produce...the Fire to Forge on....till done.

You do this everyday....with your Life Skills you have developed...you can do the same thing with your MLM skills...


One baby step at a time.

We call it"Divide and Conquer".....

Divide your Daily business routine into baby steps and then with your PersonaLeadership you have already come to master, Start, Continue and Complete...with Discipline, Conviction, and Resolve.

Network Marketing is a course on PersonaLeadership. It introduces YOU to the REAL YOU. Work on Leading yourself...step by step, baby success by baby success....and understand: it's the small personal daily tasks that you do in your business that create the HUGE results everyone longs for...

This business is built with the small,routine tasks...done consistently...through the Incredible Power of PersonaLeadership.

PassionFire Intl
MLM Leadership
(c) 2005/ all rights reserved

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Wednesday, June 15, 2005

MLM Leadership- The 2 basics of MLM Your Must Master

"You must know and master the 2 MASTER BASICS of MLM and Network Marketing."

Here is truly a MILLION Dollar Question:

What is a Basic?

It is the Simple and Most Fundamental Action you can engage in Network Marketing...

And engaging a basic will always be what a distributor needs to do to succeed... but the approach to the basics can change, but the basics never will...

There are only 2 Master Basics to MLM, and you must know what they are, and how to do them. If you do that, then your success in MLM will be more likely to show up, than not...

Ok... what are the Master Basics in Network Marketing that you need to learn and Master?

You must learn and master:

How to Work the Business.

How to work with People.


There are no other Income Producing Basics in MLM...

How to work this Business is what I call "Process Training"...

Learning how to do the Process of:

-Getting a Distributor Started




-Following Up, and

-Getting the Decision... (better known as Closing)...

These are what drive this business, and will always be the "catalyzers" that make this work.

How to work with People deals in Leadership...

And it is a "Power Building" training... where you are Building the Power in your people as well as yourself... through Exercises that stretch your people, as well as yourself.

You must learn the basics of what makes this business go, and how to do those things EFFECTIVELY...

And then you must learn how to inspire, train, build, and empower people as well as build Leaders.

Those two things drive this industry and success within it.

How to work this business is Transaction focused...

And how to work with people is Transformation focused.

Master those two basics, and you will get rich in MLM, providing you engage them in your business.


Doug Firebaugh

(c) 2005/ all rights reserved doug@powerfire.com

PassionFire Intl

MLM Leadership

Subscribe to the MLM Network Marketing Training Letter- The MLM Success HEAT

MLM Trainers Blog

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

MLM Leadership- MLM Success- It's ALL About Value

"MLM Success- It's all about VALUE. Period."
Doug Firebaugh

There is ONE Word in Network Marketing that prospects seem to be glued to when they are listening to a presentation, or even an approach about anything. It is the standard that all prospects measure anything they are looking at... and they are considering purchasing...

The word is VALUE.

Remember this Success Formula...

"No VALUE = No Volume."

Volume will RARELY if EVER precede Value, and if it does, most of the time, it will not work out long term. Value is a part of our culture, and we must show value to the prospect in our Company, Products, and Comp Plan.

No Value... No Volume baby.

Let me ask you a question: Would you buy a house that you saw no value in?

How about a car?

How about a thousand dollar suit?

Would you even buy a pair of shoes that you saw no value in?

I didn't think so…

Neither would I.

And no one is going to be recruited or buy an MLM product that they see no value in for their life and future. It's ALL about Value.

People want to know what's in it for them. They want to know there is value for their lifestyle. Value in the Company, Products, and Value in YOU.

Give the prospect REASONS and BENEFITS to enroll in your Network Marketing company, or buy your product. What does your products do that bring Value to a person? What does your Business have that will bring Value to a person? What do YOU have that will bring value to working with you?

Remember: No Value... No Volume.

NO Exceptions.

God bless you,

Doug Firebaugh
PassionFire Intl
MLM Leadership
(c),m2005/ all rights reserved

Subscribe to the MLM Network Marketing Newsletter- The MLM Success HEAT

Monday, June 13, 2005

MLM Leadership- FREE 7 Day e-course on Power MLM Recruiting

How would you like to receive a FREE 7 day e-course on MLM Power Recruiting?

You can!!! It's from Doug Firebaugh of PassionFire Intl!


The Secrets of Prospecting!

The Secrets of a HOT Presentation!

The Power of the Reconnect!

How to Recruit Anyone through Conversation!

All you have to do is go to:

FREE MLM Power Recruiting e-course

Simply then fill out the subscription box on the page- and you will start receiving the the Power Course immediately!

It's HOT!!!! It's FREE!!! And It will SET YOUR RECRUITING ONFIRE!!!!

PassionFire Intl
MLM Leadership

Subscribe to the MLM Network Marketing Training Letter- The MLM Success HEAT!

MLM Leadership- The SEEDS of Leadership Change

MLM Network Marketing Training "MLM Success- Know the SEEDS of Change." Doug Firebaugh

The MLM Business you are REALLY In.

In Network Marketing, You are in the business of Change.

That you have learned on this "BLASTFire" Series on "How to Become an MLM FireStarter"...

But we have mentioned 2 things that are the actual SEEDS of Change, and need to be planted every phone call, every email, every conversation, and every communication...

Every plant that grew to 20 feet tall started with seeds.

Every garden started with seeds.

Every forest started with seeds.

Every Field started with seeds.

Every orchard started with seeds.

Every animal started with seeds.

You and I had to have a seed to be conceived.

And in MLM, Change has to have seeds to be planted as well in people's minds and hearts…

The MLM Millionaire.

Every millionaire in this Network Marketing industry has figured that out. But you must also know in success what the seeds of Change are.

If Change were an apple, and you cut it in half, you would see the CORE.

And at the core of the apple, are SEEDS...

They are the seeds of HOPE and POSSIBILITIES.

Those two things are the seeds that you plant in people's minds and heart when recruiting. You deposit the HOPE of an incredible future, and the POSSIBILITY of it happening with you and your company.

SEED stands for:

"Success Exponentially Empowering Deposit"...

Plant those seeds and you will grow quite a bountiful harvest in your MLM and Network Marketing paycheck...


doug Firebaugh
PassionFire Intl
MLM Leadership
© 2005 PFI / all rights reserved

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MLM Trainers Blog

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

MLM Leadership Training- The Fool in MLM

"Are you fooling Yourself in MLM and Network Marketing?"

by Doug Firebaugh

Are you fooling yourself into believing that you actually are working this business?

Many distributors practice what I call "Pretend Power". That is where you are actually "empowered" by pretending you are doing this business.

You pretend you are working.

You pretend you are making phone calls.

You pretend you are going to appointments.

You pretend you are doing presentations.

You pretend you are recruiting.

You pretend...pretend...and then pretend some more...

HEY! Been there and done that! I nearly pretended myself right out of MLM! I know what that is like and the frustration that comes with it!

You believe you are working it. You believe you are going to be successful.

You believe also in fairy tales...

It's called MLM delusion.

WAKE UP!!!!!!!

You cannot pretend your way into success in MLM.

You MUST make the phone calls.

You MUST talk to people.

You MUST do the presentations.

You MUST engage the basics of this business to have any type of basic Success in MLM.

If you are not talking to at least 2 new people daily, following up on at least 2 people daily, and not collecting at least 2 new leads a day and making 2 sales a week....

You are pretending to be in this network marketing business.

And I will even go as far as to say that if you are not recruiting at least one person every other month, you are pretending to work your Network Marketing business.

And then, all that will produce is a "Pretend Paycheck".

You can pretend it's there, and pretend to spend it, and pretend to pay your bills with it. THAT will go over with your creditors..(smile).....

If you think about it....

The last word in Pretend is END.

If you want to bring your Network Marketing business to a quick end....

Stay in Pretendsville, located in the great state of Wishful Thinking.



doug firebaugh
PassionFire Intl
MLM Leadership
(c) 2005/all rights reserved

Subscribe the The MLM Network Marketing Training Letter-PF HEAT

The MLM Training Blog

Sunday, June 05, 2005

MLM Leadership Training Blog- MLM- Trouble or Tremendous?

It's Worth All the Trouble to Succeed, if You want Your Life to
be Trouble Free Financially."

Doug Firebaugh

What kind of trouble do most MLM and Network Marketers face?


Nope. That is not a trouble, but a building tool to build you into a more powerful person in this industry.


Nope. This is not trouble, as this is a building tool to build a more powerful determination in the MLM industry.


Nope. This is not trouble, as this is a powerful tool in MLM to build your Resolve.


Nope. These are simply good people that are too busy accepting less in life, and trying to get you
to continue to embrace that philosophy.


Yep. This is the only trouble in Network Marketing. People are in REAL TROUBLE when they fall pray to the Doubts and Fears of other people and their opinion. Quitting only brings self esteem issues, and self image trouble. It brings only resentment in many cases, and also anger. Anger is BIG TROUBLE.

And quitting is the Great American Past Time, which we all have a tendency to embrace dus to programming from others.

If you can overcome this one trouble, you are light years ahead of the MLM game, and Network Marketing curve.

If you slide back into the qutting mentality, then you will have trouble for the rest of your life, as you have fallen back into the pattern that has been keeping you down.

MLM= Mastering Life's Movement.

And the secret to Lifes' Movement is to KEEP MOVING forward, and never giving up!!!


PassionFire Intl
MLM Leadership
(c) 2005/all rights reserved

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MLM Trainers Blog

MLM Leadership Training- MLM- The Secret

MLM Network Marketing Training- Perseverance is the Secret to MLM Success

Helga’s first try at establishing her jewelry store failed. After re-evaluating her experience, she opened another jewelry store. Helga is now the proud owner of three successful stores.Helga didn’t fail in her first attempt. Failure occurs when we quit or stop trying. Especially in Network marketing.

Helga has perseverance - “stick-to-itiveness.”Perseverance is the key to success. After thousands of efforts to make the electric light bulb, Thomas Edison said, “I haven’t failed, I’ve identified 10,000 ways that it doesn’t work.” Mario Lemieux, Helen Keller, Abraham Lincoln, Marie Curie and an endless list of other great MLM achievers found that success inevitably arrives for everyone who perseveres.

Acquiring a desired job or promotion, or succeeding at an MLM business may present difficulties. But this is part of the learning process. Ultimately, people who persevere become successful. They learn from mistakes.Do you persevere? Or, after meeting rejection or difficulties, do you quit?

Test Your Perseverance Quotient

Rate yourself – on a scale of one to three, one being low and three being high – on each of the following:

I believe in myself. I have clear career goals. I address my limitations. I bounce back from disappointment. I have the stamina to persist. My family and friends support me in my pursuit of goals. I can adapt to change. I focus and complete projects. My goals are consistent with my purpose and values.
I can take unpopular actions when I believe I’m right.

Add your scores. The higher your score, the more perseverant you are.

Tips for Persevering

Clarify your goal. Base it on your mission/passion, needs and abilities. Know why you want your goal and how you and others will benefit.

State your goal in the present. Write desired outcomes, what you want to accomplish. Be detailed, specific, positive.

Intend to achieve you goal. Outline goal, strategies and timeline for your home business. Know resources that can help you attain your goal, such as people, associations and the Internet. Break the goal into small steps, working backward form your desired outcome and achievement date.

Develop support systems. Meet regularly with positive, encouraging people who support your goals and celebrate your achievements. Select other sources of positive reinforcement such as books or tapes with uplifting themes.

Choose productive attitudes and behaviors. Don’t dwell in the past, worry about what might happen or view yourself as a victim.

Maintain optimism. Reinforce the positive in yourself and others. Expect good things. Watch self-talk. Replace negative thoughts or statements with positive ones. Keep a diary of each day’s good experiences.

Focus on what you can do. Acknowledge your accomplishments. Judge your accomplishments against personal standards of self-improvements.

Have the courage of your convictions. Don’t change for others or compare yourself with others.

Develop the will to risk. Don’t fear mistakes. Ask: ‘What’s the worst that can happen?’ Decide whether you could live with the worst or take steps to reduce the chance of it happening.

Research your goal to reduce negative outcomes. For example, interview successful people who have achieved similar goals in MLM. Learn from their mistakes.

Live in the present. Don’t worry about what might happen. View mistakes as opportunities to grow in Network Marketing.

Let go of attachments. The more attached you are to something, the greater the fear of losing it.

Maintain a healthy lifestyle. Care for you mind, body, emotions and spirit. Schedule quiet times to think and reassess. Practice stress relievers such as deep breathing, exercise, meditation. Get sufficient sleep, eat healthy. Take time for fun and friends.

Practice imagery. Imagine yourself living your goal today. Hold your desired outcome firmly in your mind. See, smell, touch and hear aspects of your goal. Each morning upon rising, review your goal. Repeat the process at night.

Persist. Focus on goals daily. With every “no” of defeat you’re closer to a “yes” of success. If you learn from set-backs and stay on course, success will follow. Every day, at regular intervals, ask yourself whether your activities are helping you attain your goal.

Believe you’ll attain your goal. Persevere. When your mind, emotions and activities focus on your goal, you can achieve the extraordinary.

Carole Kanchier, award-winning author and internationally syndicated columnist has pioneered the integration of spiritual and empowerment principles into her work on career growth and enhancement.

Presented by PassionFire Intl


doug Firebaugh /

PassionFire Intl
MLM Leadership

© 2005 PFI / all rights reserved

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MLM Trainers for MLM Success

Friday, June 03, 2005

MLM Leadership Network marketing Training- Why Do People Quit MLM?

Why Do People Quit?

By Tom Wood

CEOs quit leading. Athletes quit working out. Sales people quit selling. Couples quit their marriages.

People quit every day. In huge proportions.

They quit their diet. They quit their exercise. They even quit "quitting smoking".

Nearly 80% of people who start a home-based business quit within the first year. Whoa!!!

With numbers like these, I've become somewhat obsessed with figuring out...

... why do people quit MLM?

I think I've figured it out.

Actually, I didn't figure it out; a bunch of psychologists did. I just recently learned the answer. (I'm amazed it took me this long to find it)

And it's probably not the reason you think it is.

Once you know the REAL reason people quit, you will be able to protect yourself from quitting on your own dreams. And you can help others from quitting on their dreams.

We've been doing a lot of things wrong in network marketing for a long time. It's the reason we have so many people who quit.

Pay attention to this. It will change everything for you.

Have you ever heard of extrinsic motivation? Neither had I. That is, until I was reading a psychological study of success. It was eye-opening.

Extrinsic motivation is when you are motivated by external things, like money, recognition and rewards. This is how we motivate in our home-based networking businesses.

"What's your check?" "What's your level?" "Did you walk across the stage?" "Are you part of the 'in' crowd?" "What kind of pin are you wearing?", etc...

Extrinsic motivation works. For a while. About a minute.

People won't stick around long enough for you to create any lasting wealth if they only have extrinsic motivators.

Why? Well, if they don't get a big paycheck, they get frustrated and quit. And if all they got was a pretty pin, they think, "this pin isn't all it's cracked up to be" and they quit. Trust me -- I see it all the time in my group.

But intrinsic motivation? That's what keeps people going.

Intrinsic motivation is when you are motivated by inner things like purpose, passion and mission. People who are motivated intrinsically do not quit very easily. They stick.

Think about it. Religions may be the biggest "networks" in the world. They don't pay you a dime (little to no extrinsic motivators). But the intrinsic motivation, the sense of purpose, is why so many people stay the course.

And sales jobs have the biggest turnover. It's all extrinsic motivation. "If you make the sale, you get the check and a pin. "But that's it. Most sales managers don't care how you made the sale. They just reward you on the results.

Of all the top networkers I've met, 99.9% of them have massive intrinsic motivators.

They have a deep intrinsic desire to share their product and company. They believe the product is worth the price, and good for the customer. They feel like they are making a difference. They feel proud. They love what they are doing and becoming -- more than what they are getting. They love the process, not the results. Ok, they love the results, too. :-)

But without loving the process, the results would be worthless to them. They'll tell you that if they won ten million dollars in the lottery, they'd keep doing what they are doing. They're not kidding.

They're motivated intrinsically.

Every hear of TGI Friday's? It's the number one restaurant chain in its class. Here's what the CEO did that made that company so successful.

He found a way to motivate intrinsically.

Here was the problem in his restaurants. Wait-staff in a new restaurant would work hard. They want to pay their rent; they have bills. They do whatever it takes. Smiles included. Then they get the money. Their extrinsic motivators are taken care of. The smiles stop. They start coming in late. They complain about the customers.

They don't love what they do (no intrinsic motivation). And people stop coming to the restaurant.

So the CEO of TGI Friday's figures he's got to find a way to reward people intrinsically. His wait-staff is mostly twenty-something. Remember those wanderlust years? He tells them if they are good with service, he'll set them up to work in any city they want. Take a road trip. They love it (intrinsically)! And you can tell on their faces when they serve you.


So what are you doing to keep people from quitting?

Yes, you've got to have the extrinsic motivators, goals, for your people. But make sure they LOVE what they do. Hold FUN events. Take road trips together. Do weekend workshops where you build a sense of team. Make phone calls together, so it's fun! Remind yourself about the purpose in your products. Remind your team about it, too. Do it with passion.

Lot's of passion. The kind of passion that makes you feel good inside (intrinsically).

So the motto may go:

"Get 'em with the money. Keep 'em with the mission."

Extrinsic motivators attract people to you. Intrinsic motivators make them stay with you.

Now you know.

Go make a boat load of money ... and make a difference in the world. Love every minute of it.

Like me.

Always fighting for your freedom.

With passion...
Tom Wood

Presented by PassionFire Intl

PassionFire Intl
MLM Leadership

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MLM Leadership Network Marketing Training -MLM Recruiter or Babysitter?

MLM Network Marketing Training -MLM Recruiter? MLM Sponsor? MLM Baby Sitter? MLM Mentor?.....

by Doug Firebaugh

There are many Leadership factors involved in building a downline, but none are more frustrating than the roles a Leader can play when recruiting and engaging a new person in this business...

We have a tendency to go from one extreme to the other... ignoring the new person to practically living with them... and everything in between...

There are 4 basic "leading" roles that you establish with your new person. As a Leader, you may move through all of these roles with each person you bring into your MLM organization.

1) The Recruiter...
2) The Sponsor...
3) The Baby Sitter...
4) The Mentor...

1) The MLM Recruiter

So what exactly IS the difference between a recruiter and a sponsor?


I have always taught that recruiting is getting them in and sponsoring is keeping them in. One is a defined process for getting them signed up; the other is growing their greatness in this business...

I never really got into a hairsplitting term... call it what you want... but understand...

Network Marketing Recruiting is the Process of getting to the point of being their sponsor and a lot people who recruit folks in this business forget the sponsor part....

MLM Recruiting can be simply running the numbers, but that is how the average distributor does it.... A Leader recruits to become a great sponsor and to build a long term relationship... recruiting is the first phase of the Leader Role,....

2) The MLM Sponsor... is the second.

When you have recruited them into your business, now you are their sponsor...


There is a reason why the word sponsor and responsibility have the same root word... it is your responsibility to become the Leader they need to create an environment for greatness.... and for creating independence in your people.

That is Priority One....(CLUE!!!!)

You must get them trained... a recruiter rarely takes the time for that because recruiters are focused on recruiting, not growing... signing them up, not growing them up... a Leader always grows people...


Growing people produces the biggest harvest in this MLM business.... (CLUE!!!!!!)

Be a great sponsor and take your new distributors where they want to go, but remember to also take them to the level of success you want them to lead them to...

3) The MLM Baby Sitter

Ahhh...... this is the sponsor who does everything for their downline, and completely disables their distributors and cripples their growth...

You want to do it all... you don't think anyone can do it as good as you, and so, you do it all... and what happens


Baby Sitting creates a downline of babies... they never grow into their greatness in this business... they crawl through this business... and eventually out of it...

You as a Leader must become a great sponsor... but understand there is a HUGE difference between Sponsoring someone.... and Spoon Feeding them....

Create a GROWTH environment... not a Kindergarten....

As you mature your people in this business... so matures your business ultimately...

4) The MLM Mentor

This is the Pinnacle of the Role you play in the development of your Leaders... but here is a tip...


Mentor those who DESERVE it... not those who DESIRE it....

Your ultimate goal as a sponsor is to create a non-stop success machine. The only way you can do that is to choose 4-5 people in your group to mentor for greatness...

Choose people who have really stepped up to the bat and proven they are SERIOUS about their building this business... make sure they have shown you that they are worthy of you taking them under your wing and paying very special attention to them...

Take them under your wing for a year and solidify and grow them into their greatness... not by totally building it for them, as there are some things they must learn from experience, but totally supporting them in all phases of their business and growth through training, building, supporting, and BEING THERE for them... and creating an extraordinary relationship that will last a lifetime...

Mentoring is not for the weak-hearted.....

it takes effort, discipline, a lot of caring.... and also a ton of giving on your part...

You will have trying times, just like in any relationship... but you must understand that if you mentor a select few folks, they can create an enormous business with you, and will be maximized in this industry... and will stay with you during the tough times... (and there will be some...)

The Recruiter grows In-discouragement...

The Sponsor grows Independence...

The Baby Sitter grows Dependence...

The Mentor grows Interdependence...


The Power of MLM lies in Interdependence.....

And, it is true....

ALL great Leaders in this industry have mentored a select few special people in their downline to extreme success... in MLM and Network Marketing.


doug Firebaugh
PassionFire Intl
MLM Leadership
© 2005 PFI / all rights reserved

Subscribe to the MLM Network Marketing Training letter- PF HEAT

Thursday, June 02, 2005

MLM Leadership Network Marketing Training-Do You Really Work the Numbers?

This is an answer to an email to one of our Australian friends asking about running the numbers in MLM and Network Marketing.

Hi Thea!Hmmm....(smile)

Network Marketing is NOT a numbers game....but an EFFECTIVE Numbers game, and no, I really do not believe in the "throw em up against the wall and see what sticks" theory. What they forget to tell you, is that it eventually drys up and falls off!

I believe you have to chat with a lot of folks, but ONLY to honestly see if this is something for them...that is why you focus ON THEM...to see what they are looking for, and if they have found it...and to see if they would be open to listening or looking at something.

There are only 2 types of people in the world:

People that are OPEN to new ideas, and people that are CLOSED to new ideas...your job is to find the ones who are open to a better life and future.Working effective numbers is prequalifying the person, and a recruiting cd can help so that in many instances. It is not an end all, but it can make a huge difference in your productivity.

Hope this helps...and thanks for your kind words...we were in Australia last year for a 3 week speaking tour, and it was awesome!!! what a gorgeous country, and the best folks in the world! My wife and I would live there!

Especially in Perth.

thanks and if I can help anyway anytime...let me know!

PassionFire Intl
MLM Leadership
(c) 2005/all rightd reserved

Subscribe to the MLM Network Marketing Training Letter

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

MLM Leadership Blog Training- The Secrets of Getting the Decision

MLM Network Marketing Training- The MLM Secret of Getting the Decision and Closing the Prospect.

By Doug Firebaugh

This is where the rubber meets the road. This is where you MAKE YOUR MONEY!

Picture going through your prospect presentation. You're really nailing the presentation — going through your series of "Next Moves" to keep your prospect involved and increase their knowledge and interest in your opportunity.

Then comes...

Decision TIME in MLM.


No Decision. No paycheck.

The last thing you want to hear at this point is a "Maybe."


Maybes in this business will KILL YOU. You MUST get Prospects Off the Fence!

The Decision is where the Involvement is either crystallized or told goodbye. You cannot make money in this Network Marketing business without bringing them to a Decision.


On the Fence = Off the Pay Plan.

In Network Marketing- NEVER Close.

So you want to try to bring them to a decision. And the most common way to do that is through "CLOSING"...

NEVER CLOSE! You will lose out in the long run...


The last word in Close is Lose...and if you or your distributors don't close your Prospect, you will think that you have LOST.

But in reality you have SUCCEEDED!


You got a Decision. And you lead your prospect to the decision that was right for them.


This business is NOT for everyone. Your job is not to Close people, but to help navigate them to a decision that is right for them...


By using what we call "Navigators"...

What are they?

Phrases to help LEAD people to the decision that is right for them.

Think about it...you don't want people to sign up who will be a headache down the road. So sell them a product, get referrals, and Move Forward...

The Master MLM Navigator Questions.

Here are what we call the "Master Navigator Questions"...

Start with...

You know, all I want is what is best for you...and is right for you. This was for me, but you're not me. I am not here to convince you of anything...only to see if this is right for you...

Then ask...

Does this make sense? (answer)
What is the one thing that really got your attention? Yeah...a lot of folks like that part...
I've got an idea...let's do this...let's get the paperwork out of the way so we can get you on your way...

What you have done is create an environment TO HELP THEM MAKE A DECISION!


People will appreciate this so much more than CLOSING them, online or offline...even though getting the decision online simply requires them taking action of some kind...

MLM Navigator 2

You know...I can tell you know whether this is right for you or not...I have a question...Can you see yourself being successful in this business???? (answer)

Well...I've got an idea. Let's do this...

Now what happens if they say "

No...it's not for me?"...you say..."GREAT! I am glad you took the time to make an informed decision that is right for you — I appreciate your honesty, but I hope you will be a cheerleader for me! I need your support! And I know you will continue using the Product.

Question — if you were me and you were new in this business, who would be the first 2 people you know you would call?

MLM Navigator 3

"Strength = Asset" Navigator...

Let me ask you a question? You have skills, assets and strengths that you can bring to the table to help any company succeed. Would you agree?

I have skills, assets and strengths, especially in this business, that I bring to the table that can help any company succeed...Let me ask you a question...

Combining YOUR strengths and assets with MY strengths and assets, what kind of business do you think we could build together?

Great...I have an idea...let's do this...

There are a lot of other navigators, but these are a start...


Navigation is LEADING...People follow strength...Be a Leader with Navigators instead of just getting them to sign an application. If you're a leader, you will get plenty of apps...

Best of all — the Decision is simple to get...


You MUST help and guide people to a decision that is right for them.

If they do not join you, they will REFER you to folks precisely because you didn't try to pressure them to do something that was not for them. Get them as a customer...and get referrals...and you'll achieve success in MLM and Network Marketing.


doug Firebaugh
PassionFire Intl
MLM Leadership

© 2005 PFI / all rights reserved

MLM Leadership Network Marketing Training- Just START

"Do what you can, with what you have,
with where you are....."
Theodore Roosevelt


Just start.

Nike says it..."Just Do It!"

We say Just Start!

Doesn't matter if you do not have all the education, training, tools or

Doesn't matter if timing isn't perfect in your life for an MLM business.

Doesn't matter if you are not in the perfect place to do what your heart
burns for...and has dream for... in Network Marketing...

whether massive success...or massive lifestyle...

Start. Now.

The least known people in the world who got started now are

Steve Jobs.

He started Apple Computer...

totally underfunded...understaffed...misunderstood.

But he got underway.....

He Started.

Bill Gates.

He started....well...you know....that Seattle company....he started in a
dorm room...with no money...

And only one gear...OverDrive.
And his drive is what got him over...the tough spots...

He Started.

Michael Jordan.

He started....and was stopped several times...but he kept starting
over...and over..and well....you know..

He did pretty good....

Boy did He Start!

And the list is endless.....

All great Successes have one thing in common...

A Starting point.An Ignition. A Spark. A first step...

What are you not starting? And why aren't you?

Fear? Doubt? Lack of Self Esteem? Lack of Knowledge?
Bad Parents? Bad Childhood? Bad hair Day?

No Money? No Time? No Credit? No help? No education? ?No Way?

All the "Pat" excuses that everyone accepts as a "reasonable" factor not
to do anything in Network Marketing?

***Who sold us on that gem?***

There is no "Reasonable" with Creating Massive Success...

Only the "Unreasonable" create new destinies for their life...and
thousands of others.....and change becomes their mantra....


Reasonable is staying put. Unreasonable is Starting Power.

There are No excuses for not starting.....

You wanna know what Start stands for?

"Success That Always Reveals(a)Trail."

That's why you need to Start.

The trail will not walk itself...(CLUE!!!!!)

What's the VERY FIRST THING you need to do to create
your dream and Passion in your Life?

Write it down.

Break it down into the 3-4 tasks required to complete it.

See it on the Movie Screen in your Mind as Successful.

Review it and Rehearse it on your "Screen"....over and over.....

Get 2 pieces of paper....on one....write all the reasons you cannot do

On the the other piece....write all the reasons you MUST do this....

Tear one of them up....

And if you chose the reasons you MUST....

Start...Just Start.

There's where the Success Magic in a home business is....Being Unreasonable....

blessings... doug firebaugh
PassionFire Intl
MLM Leadership
(c) 2005/ all rights reserved

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