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Sunday, July 31, 2005

MLM Leadership- The Secrets to Controlling Negative Emotions

MLM Training- The New MLM Distributors Emotional Roller Coaster in Network Marketing.

Every new Network Marketing distributor goes through it. You will too.

Every millionaire in MLM went through it. You will too.

So will you if you haven’t already. We call it the MLM Emotional Roller Coaster, and it can be an interesting ride during the frustrating times in this MLM business.

You will be high as a kite on excitement on week, and then next week low as whale dung. All because of your emotions and disappointments.


You will be disappointed by what you think is going to happen, but doesn’t, and it is part of this Network Marketing business.

A lot of folks cannot handle the Emotional Dynamics of this business, and your emotions can really be tested, but it is not innate to MLM, it is innate to being an entrepeneur and starting any business.

You must learn to let the downs be not so down, and the highs be not so high. This will give you an Emotional balance which will make your new enterprise more stable in your working it.

The M.O.N.E.Y Principle of MLM Success.

There is a Principle I have been training on for years, and helped a lot of our distributors, as well as myself to get through some rough times.

I call it The M.O.N.E.Y. Principle of Success in Network Marketing, and it is one that you can take to the bank.

What is the SECRET for Networkers to create a LOT of MONEY in MLM?

M.O.N.E.Y. stands for:

Management Of Negative Emotions-Yours.


Management Of NEGATIVE EMOTIONS-YOURS! In Network Marketing!

It’s all about managing what is trying to manage you! It is all about contolling what is trying to control you. It is about directing what is trying to direct you and your business.

And understand this:


Whoever is controlling your emotions -- will control your business.




Setbacks in MLM will happen and it will create major disappointment and discouragement, and you MUST not let it affect you long term. Sure, you will get down a little as you are human. That is all part of the business, but you always must bounce back. Every setback becomes a comeback.

The Setback Solution in MLM.


There is no disappointment so strong that 3 new Network Marketing Distributor sign ups cannot handle.

I had a Network Marketing millionaire tell me last year that she was so discouraged her first 2 years that she nearly quit 3 times, but she hung on to the dream, and learned a VERY VALUABLE Secret:


ALL Negative emotions are TEMPORARY, and they will subside.

Once she learned that, she knew that she was In a Mood and that would pass eventually and she would go to work harder than ever.

There are exceptions of course, but very few. Most new MLM distributors do go through a myriad of emotions the first year, and most never learn to control them. You must decide that what emotions would keep you down for 3 hours, will keep you down for 3 minutes. What used to keep you down for a week, will keep you down for a day. What used to keep you down for a month, only keeps you down for a week or less. Focus on becoming emotionally quick. Every emotion that is negative quickly disappears from your life, and is replaced with a positive one.


How do you control your lows that will come in this business?

1) Talk to Your Upline about how they handled it.

2) Read MLM books and continue to learn new ideas and concepts.

3) Ask What is worth learning from this?

4) Know that WHO is SUPPOSED to be in your business will be.

5) Know WHO is NOT supposed to be, will not be.

6) Let yourself grieve for a bit if you need to do that. Call someone who has been there and get some understanding from experience.

7) Get back to work asap. MASSIVELY to replace the one who --got away.

8) Continue to pour into your mind stories of those who have succeeded, and the tactics, strategies, and beliefs that developed that Success.


You have to control your emotions in Network Marketing, because they will determine about 80% of your first initial success, then they will determine about 80% of the rest of your success when you start your Network Marketing and MLM career.

blessings...doug Firebaugh (c) 2005/ all rights reserved

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Saturday, July 30, 2005

MLM Leadership- Creating a Massive ThinkSHIFT in Network Marketing

MLM Success Secrets- Creating a Massive Success ThinkSHIFT in Network Marketing

by Doug Firebaugh

It's time you statred shifting your MLM Success into Success OVERDRIVE.

Would not you agree?

Are your thoughts pushing you out of Success? GREAT question, as many do this day in and day out. In MLM, people play the great American past time that takes up so much time:

Making excuses, and then making more excuses. Great past time if you want to live in the past.

Brutal? Yep.

The truth? Absolutely!

And I would rather tell you the way it REALLY is, instead of the way that everyone leads you to believe it is. In Network Marketing, excuses is the Language of the Failure.


Life can either be a Paradise, or a Pair of Dice, which you then leave to Lady Luck to throw and see what comes up. Snake eyes is her specialty.

What is your life and what is your MLM business? Paradise, or just a pair of dice?

That will be determined and all revolves around how you THINK.

Are you on a Thought Path that is leading away from Success in Network Marketing?

Are you kidding yourself about your thoughts?

Are you kidding yourself about the nature of your thinking?

Are you blind to what kind of thoughts you are REALLY thinking?

Are you kdding yourself about your thinking, or lack of it?

Many do…everyday.

Most people do not realize it, but you work Network Marketing Twice: First between your ears, and then between your hours.

And what happens between your hours in MLM is nothing more than a photograph of what is between your ears! What you THINK, ends up being what you DO.

It's called Network Marketing Reality.

You live life twice as well. If you don’t have it right between your ears, then there will be nothing left between your hours! Only the emptiness of frustration and Doubt , and an empty feeling of regret.

If you take a look a the word THINKING: The first word in Thinking is THIN.

Do you have Skinny Thinking?

Do you lean towards a poverty mindset?

Are your thoughts colored with Scarcity?

Do your thoughts have more of a LACK focus?

The last word in Thinking is KING! (THAT is ROYALTY THINKING!)

Do you have Royalty Thinking in your Network Marketing business?

Do you have the thinking that would excite God and get Him jumping off His Throne saying, "Now those thoughts are so BIG, THAT is someone I can work with?"

Which side of the word THINKING do you see yourself on?

Here is a Brutal Question that begs to be asked:

Up until this point in your life, what has your thinking cost you in dollars?

What has it cost your family? How long are you going to allow that to continue?

You need a ThinkSHIFT in MLM and Network Marketing. You need to SHIFT your thinking into Success Overdrive- the gear that all winner's thoughts are locked on.

If you do Shift your Thinking, and truly understnad that you CAN and WILL succeed in life, then you can just about write any paycheck you want in Network Marketing.

You CAN Succeed in network Marketing! You can Succeed HUGE! You need to draw a line in the sand and say "ENOUGH is ENOUGH!" And then get serious about your business, and start living the life that you and your family wants and deserves. A Life of wealth and total freedom in all you do, and everywhere you go. That can be given to you with your efforts and Thinking being in Success Overdrive. And then you can have the future that most only dream of.

Is not shifting your thinking worth that alone in MLM and Network Marketing?


doug Firebaugh

PassionFire Intl

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Thursday, July 28, 2005

MLM Leadership- The BLAZING Top 52 MLM Success Tips- part 2

"MLM SUCCESS-The BLAZING Top 52 MLM Success Tips - Part 2 "

by Doug Firebaugh

MLM Success training for Massive MLM Success- - Part Two of “The Blazing Top 52 MLM SUCCESS Tips” that will set your Network Marketing and MLM Business OnFIRE! Time tested tactics that will set you apart from the average Network Marketer, and keep your business stoked and totally ABLAZE! Bookmark this page and refer back to it! Send it to your Team and SET THEIR BUSINESS ABLAZE!!! Here are the next set of 26 tips of the BLAZING Top 52 MLM SUCCESS Tips:

27) “In MLM Success, Objections are either stumbling blocks, or building blocks."

Objections in network marketing are either blocks to build Success, or blocks to block Success. You MUST learn how to neutralize objections, or they will neutralize your paycheck.

28) “With MLM Success, never play Verbal Judo with Objections or prospects."

Objections are something that actually are building tools for your MLM business. But you NEVER argue or play verbal judo with them. Always respect their right to disagree. And always thank them for bring the objection up.

Resource to learn more: "Getting Ready for W.A.R."- winning the MLM Success Battle!

29) “IN MLM Success, the easiest way to neutralize objections are to thank them, agree with them, and then gently show them a differing perspective."

All MLM and Network Marketing objections can be a great tool to build. It is a 3 step process that works. Thank, Agree, and Show. It is that simple. Try it. You will be surprised how it works.

30) “For MLM Success, when you approach someone, be agenda less. Don't have the idea you are going to sell or recruit. Have the idea that you are going to EXPLORE what is best for them."

Make sure that your prospect is feeling the right thing. If you come across like you are a heat seeking missile out to recruit them they will close up. Just approach someone with the idea that this is an Exploration, and you are simply going to explore what is best for your prospect, whether it is product, business, or neither.

31) “With MLM Success, an Approach is NOT a Presentation.

An approach is simply "reaching out" and nothing more. It is NOT a presentation about the company, products, or comp plan. Many folks seem to want to "spill the beans" when approaching. Don't. Simply start a conversation and do the presentation if they have an interest at a a later time. Yes, if they ask to see one, by all means, go right ahead!

32) “To build MLM Success, don't be an "Attack Recruiter."

Don't be an Attack Recruiter, and a Bait and Switch artist. Give your prospect some respect, and work your way into a conversation about your business and products. After a little bit of conversation, say "You know, I have run across the most amazing thing...have you ever heard of ABC product?"

33) "MLM Success will show up, if you become Magnetic by relaxing the prospect, and building a Bridge of Trust.

Goal Number One: RELAX the prospect. Get them comfortable. Get them talking about their life and their dreams. And become a MASTER LISTENER. Be so engaged in what they are saying, nothing else matters. Build a bridge of Trust by listening, and showing nothing but interest in them. This will relax both you and the prospect.

Resource to learn more: Power Secrets to Becoming a Recruiting Magnet”.

34) “For MLM Success. make the approach a question."

When you approach a person with a statement, it has a tendency to raise red flags. Approach them with a question. That will draw them towards you,and create curiosity.

35) “80% of all Success in MLM Success is ENERGY. But not hype."

What people feel from you will either magnetize them, or repel them. Your energy will either work for you, or against you. It is much like a bell curve. Too little energy promotes apathy. Too much energy promotes hype. Be in the middle, and raise your energy level a little as you go. The prospect will follow your lead step by step.

36) "With MLM Success, you MUST know the Golden Rule of Communication in MLM Success."

Get familiar with this Rule: First People FEEL, then they HEAR! What are they FEELING from you? Hope and Dreams or Doubt and Worry? Get your business in MOTION with the right EMOTION!

37) MLM Success is more about Failure than Success.

You read that right. Millionaires in this industry all have one thing in common: They were willing Failures at first, to build the Success that lasts. (READ THAT AGAIN!) You MUST be willing to fail, as you build your will to win. It is the setbacks and the devastations that build Success in MLM. be willing to fail, but then get up, and keep going. That is the secret.

38) “MLM Success is about a riveting presentation with a magnetic story."

What makes a riveting presentation? Get the prospect involved. Ask lot of questions. Let them answer. Let them hold the product if you are there. Let the audience raise their hands. Keep focused on engaging the prospect as you present. And tell a story about what the products have done, and make it emotional. Then ask them if they know anyone that they can relate to that story.

39) “MLM Success is NOT about dumping, but presenting one bite at a time."

The MLM presenter many times gets out the dump truck, backs it up to the prospect, and then unloads a TON of information on them. NOT! The prospect is NOT a landfill. Present the information one bite size piece at a time, and give them a chance to digest it. Too much info will turn the prospect off. And they will be thinking, "Do I have to learn ALL THIS?"

40) “In MLM Success, in your presentation, use what we call Value Building Statements."

There are what we call Value Building Statements that can ROCK a presentation! Ones like, "What this means to you is..." or "What this can do for you is..." or "This means this to you..." or "How your family will benefit is..." or "The value to you and your family is..."

41) “MLM Success is about doing a presentation that IMPACTS people FIRST, then informs them second."

What creates IMPACT? Touching what people Value and hold dear, with the Hope of Increasing it and making it Larger in their life. Find out what people VALUE in their life, then wrap your presentation around it. "This will help you have more time wi ht your children" or "This will allow you to give more money to your church," or "This will guarantee you having more control over your future."

42) “MLM Success is NOT about YOUR Success."

You need to learn this: People do NOT care about your MLM Success, it is ALL ABOUT THEIR Potential Success. Yes, you need a good personal testimonial, but down play it and make your Success a STRONG possibility for your prospect or new leader, and then show them that you will work hard to help them achieve it. It is NOT about You, but all about THEM. If an ego needs stroking, stroke their ego, not yours.

43) “MLM Success contains the Voltage Power of HOPE and DREAMS. That is your Power outlet to plug the prospect or downline into MLM Success Electricity."

The most powerful thing you can do to a prospect or downline, is make their dream real. We used to carry brochures of cars, exotic vacations, resorts, boats, million dollar homes, and pictures of enjoying life with us. And we were constantly reminding the prospect or downline what they were working so hard for. We showed the pictures to them. And we also reminded ourselves of what we were working for. Plug them into the HOPE of a bigger car or home, a lifestyle of TOTAL freedom, and let them look at pictures of what it looks like, and feels like.

44) " MLM Success is NOT about just following up, but RECONNECTING the DREAM."

This little tip works like crazy. When you are calling someone back, have the focus that you are simply reconnecting that prospect to the dream they shared with you. "I really enjoyed our last conversation about the new home you were dreaming about. What a beautiful home that would be. I saw one similar yesterday in a homes magazine." This will ge them focused BACK and RECONNECTED to the Emotion that their dream carries. THEN you are back to where you need to be to talk further.

45) "MLM Success is about LIVE Events for the distributor, and prospect."

People in MLM MUST do Live event. It can be a Saturday training, or Regional training, or a simple web cast. But you MUST do these for one reason: It ENERGIZES the base, and also the prospect to take action.

46) “MLM Success is NOT about Closing. It is about OPENING."

What is the lat word in CLOSE? Lose. And that is the way many distributors look at closing. If they don't close the prospect, they have lost. Let's shift paradigms. You don't need to close. You need to OPEN possibilities to the prospect, and OPEN a future that they have only been dreaming about. Open their minds and heart to what CAN BE, not just what is.And after you do that, and If they tell you no, it is not you that is closed, but the prospect is. They are closed to creating their Dreams and building a life of Success. They live a life of permanent hope, not Powerful success.

47) "MLM Success is about one word: YOU."

People are looking for someone to recognize and praise their efforts. The word YOU pays attention to that person, and drives value to their life in ways we could never comprehend. Their name is also a Value Drive. Use the word You a lot, and you will become a pied piper.

48) “MLM Success is about 2 words: I Understand."

People today want to be understood. They wan to feel like they matter. And the greatest 2 words you can say, are "I understand." Agree with them in part, by jumping over to their side of the fence, and seeing it from their perspective. You may not totally agree with their view, but you can understand it, and that will go a long way to connecting you to that prospect. Understand first, then take a stand second, with that in mind.

49) “MLM Success is about 3 Words: Yes you can."

There are people out in the world that have never really succeeded at much of anything. They have built a "Doubt Wall" around them, and it is tough to penetrate. But these two words can. "Yes you can" are three words that are music to people's ears. When they realize that someone is telling them they can do it, and will help them, it turns on a Fire that will burn a hole in that Wall of Doubt, and then, they can walk through to freedom.

50) "MLM Success is about 4 words: I BELIEVE in you."

Many people today go through their whole life without hearing these words. You become the beacon of hope that they are looking for. And if they do not believe in themselves, "Lean on my belief while we are building yours."

51) "MLM Success is about 5 words: Let us do this together."

People are looking for partnership in this business. When you say these words, it does one thing: REASSURES them. And that is what people are looking for- reassurance you will be there, and help them. Together is another way of saying, "To Gather." That is what you will do if you say that word- gather lots of Success.

52) “MLM Success is about NEVER, NEVER, NEVER giving up, giving in, giving out, or giving way. It is about GIVING MORE!"

Here is a Billion Dollar Secret: When you feel like giving up- GIVE MORE! When you feel like giving in- GIVE MORE! When you feel like giving out- GIVE MORE! when you feel like giving way- GIVE MORE! Give more heart, focus, effort, time, belief, and action! You WILL Succeed in MLM!

MORE= Maximizing Openly (the) Resolve (to) ENGAGE!

Maximize your RESOLVE, and ENGAGE daily, and you will start seeing in your business and life, massive MLM Success.


PassionFire Intl (c) 2005/all rights reserved

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Wednesday, July 27, 2005

MLM Leadership- The MLM Failures Graveyard of Dreams

MLM Network Marketing Training MLM Success- The MLM Quitter's Graveyard of Dreams

by Doug Firebaugh

Leadership in Network Marketing requires sometimes to look at things in ways that others don't, to see things in ways others never will, and to think in ways others don't dare. This artice is a hard hitting article because it tells the truth about quitting in MLM and Life. It is a different approach to quitting and tells of a different way of thinking about quitting on your dreams. It will make you think.

It's called "Leading Edge Thinking" by some folks.

And there is something that we at PassionFire call the "MLM Quitter's Graveyard of Dreams" which says it all. It reads what the "Networking Dead" would want to say to their MLM Company and their Upline, but doesn't dare. It reads what the "Walking Corpse of Failure" in MLM would want to say to the people that go after them in most cases, but don't dare.


Inferno Secret:

Others have succeeded, BIG! HUGE! But not them.

This Tombstone in this Graveyard of MLM Dreams was written hour by hour, day by day, week by week, month by month, with the Letters engraved by the Pen of Inactivity, Ink of Self Doubt, the Hand of Procrastination, and the Letters of Deception.

What does this Network Marketing Tombstone say?

Why would we learn from it?

How can we change ourselves before it's too late?

You decide.

Imagine, it's foggy, and raining, and you are walking in the Graveyard of Dreams, and you find this tombstone suddenly. It is old, and chipped, and cracked. You just stare at it for a minute, and then kneel down. You wipe the mud off of the marble stone, and look at it.

It reads:

Here lays a deceased Network Marketer's Dreams. Full of cancer of "Group Think" and "They know what they are talking about-itis."

The words penned but never uttered are written on this tombstone for all to see, and be advised this was not death by Natural Causes, but by Natural Excuses. Excuses taught to them by the Poisoned Anthrax of the Mediocrity crowd.

All have regrets for listening to the Death Toll of the average:

I wished I would've Talked to more people

Sad, but true. The ring of the death bell of MLM constantly cries out for that, because they realize too late that NUMBERS were part of the Success Formula. They were too focused on being BUSY, and not Building a Business. They were too focused on begging People, not Building them. They were too focused on Hanging on to the ones that were leading them on, not the ones who could lead them into Success…

I wished I would've been more consistent.

Woe to the "Spare timers!" You can work this business either Full time, Part time, or Spare time. And most ork it Spare Time, only when they can Spare some time and "Fit it In." They will, but that will create such a lack of Oxygen for your business. The Oxygen of MOMENTUM, that you will soon find your business passing out, and then passing on.

I wished I would've trained my people, not Play-Trained them.

The sound of this rings hollow, for the Training is not to be played with, but to be embraced and realize this is what breathes life into the Soul of the Distributor's Dreams.

The bell of Regret rings with an empty sound because Playing at MLM training is the same thing as Playing with Land Mines. Both will explode underneath you without any warning.

I wished I would've been IN the business, not just in the Computer.

The scent of realization sometimes hits hard, and can burn. But there is a certain mindset and heartset that you must acquire and grow. If the Business is not in you, then you are only in the computer, waiting to be deleted.

I wished I would've given it just once. All I had, to obtain all I wanted.

Most people never give 50% of their best, let alone 100%. That will kill a business quicker than anything. For this business doesn't require 100%. It DEMANDS IT! If you give it 100% for 90 days, as hard as you can go, you will never have a tombstone like this.

I wished I would not have been so good at Lieing to myself.

We all lie to ourselves in life. We all deceive ourselves to try to convince ourselves that we add up, that we are good enough, that we gave it all we had, and in the meantime we are killing our self respect because deep down in the recesses of our hearts, we know it isn't true. And the cancer of "The Lie" eats away at our ability to face reality at what we are REALLY doing, and it slowly kills the belief in this Network Marketing business.

I wished I would've believed in me more.

The Pneumonia of Unworthiness is a killer. It can reach down inside of you and destroy everything that you strive to do. We all doubt ourselves in MLM, but it 's the ones who take a shot of "If they did it, I can do it' that survive and thrive in this business.

You can believe in yourself more. Find someone who will let you lean on their belief while your's heals. Talk to an upline or someone in your company, and grab that Life Line of Truth that you are worthy and that the Power of Greatness lies within you. You are just waiting to prove all the naysayers WRONG.

Let their Dreams die, but not yours.


You want to know what Tomb stands for?

"Taking On Miniscule Belief."

Don't live in the Land of regret, and sail on the sea of "What could have been."

Talk to more people. Be more consistent. Truly Train your people. Be IN the Business.

Give it ALL you have for 90 days. Quit Deceiving yourself, and Start Believing IN yourself.

And the Life in your Network Marketing business will grow beyond anything you could ever imagine.

There will never be in the Graveyard of Dreams a Network Marketing tombstone with your name on it, if you DECIDE there won't be.

But that is YOUR DECISION in MLM.

blessings...doug (c) 2005/ all rights reserved

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Tuesday, July 26, 2005

MLM Leadership- The Network Marketing Training Ten Commandments

Network Marketing Training- The Network Marketing Training Ten Commandments

By Doug Firebaugh

Network Marketing Training has certain requirements and things that are neccessary to make it powerful. Here are the Ten Commandments of Network Marketing Training:

1) Thou shalt answer the question, "What do I do next?"

In Network Marketing Training, the new distributor must know what he/she needs to do next. This simple question has stopped many future MLM superstars in our industry, as the new distributor will get frustrated if they do not know what comes next.

It is human nature for us to want to see the next road, the next highway. So you must let the distributor know what comes next, and then what comes next after that. This follows our culture. And if you answer this question, they will get a bigger picture in their mind of what needs to be done and go out and fo it.

If you do not answer this question in Network Marketing training, you will find that people will start trying to reinvent the wheel, and attempt actions that will untimately lead to failure.

2) Thou shalt make your training duplicable. Duplication is about teaching to teach.

Your Network Marketing Training must be easy to teach, and understand. So many times, Network marketing Training is complicated, and cannot be remembered, let alone taught. It must be teachable by all, not just teachable by some. And the key to being teachable is simplicity. Also, the tasks and actions being taught to take in ths business must be duplicable as well. Complicated actions lead to complaining distributors.

Network Marketing Training must be easy, simple, and teachable. To duplicate, you must teach Mary to teach Tom to teach Lou to teach Jodi to teach Roger to teach Dean to teach Susan. If this happens, then you will find that your training not only duplicating, but multiplying your team quickly.

3) Thou shalt have the tools and manuals for learning.

Network Marketing Training must have the tools to teach and the manuals to learn. Today's Network Marketing Training must be multi media driven, and touch all the senses.

Tools are great for learning when the distributor has time on their own to review, and master the process. Tools also are good for going over the material over and over, and memorizing what needs to be learned, and internalized.

4) Thou shalt have training that cover all phases of working this business.

Great Network marketing Training contains trainings on getting started, prospecting, approaching, presenting, handling objections, following up, and getting the decison. Also there must be training on the company, products and compensation plan.

The trainings also must include retailing the product as well as recruiting new team members. If you have these topics covered, you have the makings of a great Network marketing training.

5) Thou shalt make the training automated.

In todays' world, you must have an online training system. That is just reality. We live in a digital world, and a website society. If your training is not online, and available 24/7, you already are falling behind. Conference call training is a must as well as this will be another vehicle to learn from.

Great Network Marketing Training is automated with text, audio, some video, and easy to access and get to on the website. Make sure your training is accessible nationwide, or even worldwide to your group.

6) Thou shalt think Hansel and Gretel in the training process.

Hensel and Gretel is a fairy tale about kids that went into the woods, and left a trail of bread crumbs to follow back home. They wanted a step by step path to get back home. Great Network Marketing Training must be step by step to get the distributor back to the Success home.

Does your training have step by step process that can be copied, mapped out, and followed? Does it contain a pattern that can be copied, and become a cookie cutter pattern? This is how it is supposed to go. You MUST have a step by step path that is a natural path, and each step builds upon the next If you do, you will find so many more of your folks enjoying Success in MLM.

7) Thou shalt have Live Trainings and and Role Playing.

Great Network Marketing Training has scheduled live teachings, usually on Saturday, and these are to teach, equip, and motivate. These events are good for focusing your group to laser focus, and even addressing questions about what you are training on. Plus it gets everyone together and spreads unity.

Role playing you must do as well with the new distributor. This gives them "artificial experience." And it readies them for when they go live on the calls and conversations, and prepares them in a way that classroom learning cannot. I cannot express this strong enough. Role Playing Rules.

8) Thou shalt have new levels in the training growth of the distributor.

Great Network Marketing Training contains "phases", or "next levels" of growth. And usually they follow the path of "Basic training, "Advanced training,", and "Leadership Training," and even beyond that. We call that top level "Success Mastery training."

Basic training is about how to do the business, including retailing, and recruiting. Advanced training is about how to build a downline, effectively and powerfully. And Leadership training is about how to build Leaders. This follows a natural growth pattern of the distributor, and gives them something to focus on for the future, and to aspire and reach for.

9) Thou shalt get the new distributor up and training as soon as possible.

People learn so much quicker what they teach, then what they just hear. There are portions of the new distributor training that can be done by a new person. Get each new distributor up and teaching by the first month. And experiential training is key as well. Get the folks in groups and let them role play and experience what it feels like to do this business. It will excite them and train them as well, and the new distributor can facilitate this easily.

Why get the new distributor training quickly?

New distributors have "new distributor energy." It will get other excited and pumped. This also will build their confidence and put them in a pesudo Leadership role. Even if it is as simple as going over the company information, do it. It will propel them to a higher level of expectation, and self image in this business.

10) Thou shalt equip the distributor to master the training, and then let them do the training.

Your job is to get you out of the training business, and get back into the recruiting and building business. Good Network Marketing training will do this, and keep a fresh supply of new distributors learning and doing the trainings. If you have this happening, you will have accomplished duplication and mastery in Network Marketing training.

blessings...doug (c) 2005/ all rights reserved

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Saturday, July 09, 2005

MLM Leadership- The Top 17 Network Marketing ezines

MLM Training Newsletters- The Top 17 Network Marketing Newsletters in MLM
MLM Articles

Doug Firebaugh

After a years worth of research, here are the top 17 MLM Newsletters for training in MLM! Read on to learn more!

A good MLM training newsletter is worth a million dollars to a distributor in Network Marketing. Many Network Marketing newsletters/ezines can be found out there, and there are some really good ones. But there are also some newsletters that are not so good.

What do you do? Subscribe to them all and read them for a year, and then decide yourself? (You’ve got to be kidding!)

You don’t have to. We have already done that. We subscribed to over 100 MLM training ezines, (whew!) and found some really good ones, and others that are ones we cannot recommend. (There were 14 total people that read the newsletters regularly, and the top 17 list is the consensus of the 14 people.)

What were the criteria that we used to look at these network marketing newsletters?

1) Constant fresh and unique training content.

We looked for a consistency in content, and fresh content. Many newsletters we found ran some of the same articles in their ezine. Others changed the titles, and kept the content the same.

We simply asked this question: Is the content unique and fresh and trains folks, not just motivates them. Many ezines were a lot of motivation, but little training. There is nothing wrong with that, but if you are looking for a training newsletter, it can be a little frustrating. What we found is that many were highly motivational, but not educational. We support motivation by all means! But we could not include them in our top 17 MLM training ezine list.

2) Delivery of the newsletter regularly.

We found that many ezines were emailed out every once so often, and not on any kind of a schedule. We felt that if you are going to be depending on a training letter as a way to learn this business, then you need to know that the delivery of content will be consistent, and dependable.

Either once a week, or twice a month was the average delivery time of the most read newsletters, and that seems to be what people are looking for.

3) Topics focused on for what the distributor needs to learn to succeed.

The best newsletters we found had a focus of topics that would be what the average networker would need to know to create a successful business. These topics include recruiting, prospecting, approaching people, handling objections, doing presentations, following up, closing, training, building a downline, motivating your group, leadership, personal development, doing events, new distributor training, and advanced training in MLM and Network Marketing.

Many of the newsletters were too focused on one or two topics, and never varied for a more complete training program. There is nothing wrong with that, but a total training focus is what we were looking for.

4) The Look and Feel of the MLM training newsletter.

Many of the newsletters were only text, no graphics, but had great content. Many of the newsletters looked incredible, but their content was very weak. We found that the best training MLM newsletters had both. Even the text ezines were well put together, and had great content. A great example of that is Tom Big Al Schreiter’s Fortune Now Newsletter. It contains great stuff and it’s all text.

The feel of the training ezine was also important. Did they come across like authority writing? Was the feel of it directing, leading, and teaching people? Was the feel of the newsletter friendly and warm, or cold? This was another factor that was part of the over all consideration.

5) Did the newsletter want you to tell others about it?

This was a real big consideration. We talked to some folks that had subscribed to many of them, and they all basically said the same thing: The newsletters that they were talking about were the same ones.

This was important, as the content needs to be exciting, and strong enough for people to want to tell their team about it.

These were the 5 Most Important considerations of the Top 17 MLM Training Newsletters. There were other considerations as well, like popularity on search engines, ease of subscribing, reprints on sites, etc.

What are the top 17 MLM Newsletters and Network Marketing ezines? (These are in no particular order, as all are number one MLM training newsletters!)

1) Fortune Now Newsletter /

2) PF HEAT Training Letter

3) MLM Players Ezine

4) I Love MLM Letter

5) Randy’s Rant

6) Nexera e news

7) Networking Times ezine

8) Greatest Networker ezine

9) Cutting Edge Media

10) MLM Brilliance letter

11) Club Rhino

12) MLM Lifestyles

13) Golden Mastermind

14) DSWA

15) Find Your Why

16) MLM Woman Newsletter /

17) Leads2YourSuccess

Do your due diligence, and get archived copies of these MLM Training Newsletters, and read them and see what you are drawn towards, and want to subscribe to. These Network Marketing ezines are all great, and will help educate anyone on the Success aspects of this business.

And by the way, if you don’t care for the Network Marketing newsletter that you subscribe to, it should have a very easy unsubscribe process.

These are the best of the best MLM Training Newsletters as far as learning MLM and Network Marketing. Yes, there are great internet training newsletters out there, as well as home based business as well. But these are focused on Power learning MLM and these are the most powerful of all the MLM Newsletters and Network Marketing ezines.


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Friday, July 08, 2005

MLM Leadership- the 3 MLM Leadership Landmines

MLM Training- The Three Land Mines of MLM Success
by Doug Firebaugh

There are many things that can take you out of Network Marketing, and MLM. I call them "MLM Land Mines." These are things that can sneak up on you, and blow you right out of the water, and totally out of Success. If you understand these three things, you will find that Success will be much easier to obtain, and your Network Marketing business will be able to stay on track.

What is a Land Mine?

It is something that is used in a battle, that is buried underneath the ground, and when someone steps on it, it blows up. It is the same principle with MLM. You are in a battle yourself. It is a battle between Success and Mediocrity, and the battlefield is your thinking. It can be a fierce battle as Success intimidates a lot of people, and many times your friends will not want you to walk that Success Path in network marketing.

The three MLM Land Mines are easy to spot, if you know where they are, and what they look like.

So...what are they?

1) The Land Mine of Listening to the WRONG PEOPLE.

Many times, we can be really on a roll, and having Success in MLM, and when something goes wrong, then the people start talking. The Negative Crowd shows up, and starts telling you that they were right,and you are going to fail. They tell you that you are stupid for wanting more in life, and you should be happy where you are.

What Success do they have in their life that gives them the right to try and steal yours?

If you are not careful, their words will blow up your dreams, and you will end up discouraged and wanting to quit. NEVER listen to the Wrong People.

Who are the Wrong People? Negative, limiting, and never going anywhere folks who want everybody else to go nowhere. God bless them, but they are not focused on making a life, but simply living a life.

Beware of that Land Mine.

2) Doubting what your Dreams are telling you.

This MLM land Mine is a big one. Your dreams can tell you that you are on your way, and Success in Network Marketing is right around the corner, and then you start falling back in that rut of Doubt and Hesistation.


Don't take another step towards that MLM Land Mine. Evrything you need to Succeed in MLM you already have in your heart. Just put your business on "Automatic Dream Pilot" and let your dreams steer you around these Land Mines, and around what your thinking is telling you.

You WILL SUCCEED, if you simply let your Dreams pilot your Success Vehicle.

3) Thinking that you will give this business a certain amount of time, and if it has not happened by then, then it is not going to happen.

This Land Mine is one that has taken millions out of this business. And it is NOT the way you work Network Marketing.

You work MLM on IT's TERMS, not yours. You must give MLM the time that is needed to grow YOU first, then grow the business. A tree does not grow in 6 months, and an MLM business will not grow in 6 days. You must give it time, and the time that is required to Succeed.

The timing factor is different for everyone and where it may take one person 3 months to ignite a SuccessFire in their business, it may take you a year. Give to your business TOTAL committment, and and TOTAl decision to go the distance. And you will find that your Success path has been cut down considerably, as people respond totally different to a person that has an I will not be denied focus, and whatever it takes mind set.

Beware of these MLM Land Mines, and make sure that you steer clear of them. You don't want them to take you out of the Success game, and out of the MLM Wealth Machine that is possible for your life and future.

You are a Winner, and this battle is easy to win. Just be careful of what lies underneath your Success Path.

PassionFire Intl
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